A Hybrid Structure of Spatial Multilevel Index Based on Grids and R-Tree 一种基于网格与R树的多级混合索引
Realization and Analysis of the Algorithm for Spatial Multilevel Index 空间数据多级索引结构的算法实现和分析
METHODS: To adopt the multifactor and multilevel uniform design to optimize the preparation prescription, disintegrating time as the assessment index. 方法:采用均匀设计试验法,以片剂崩解时限为指标,筛选灯盏花素口腔崩解片的最佳处方。
In this paper, a multilevel grey evaluation method, which is aimed at subjective index appraisal, is proposed and its application is showed with examples. 本文针对主观指标评价问题,提出一个多层次灰色评价方法,并以实例说明其应用。
A Temporal Data-Model based on Dynamic-Multilevel Index and Two-way Chain Technology 基于动态多级索引与双向链技术的时态数据模型
A Multilevel Grey Evaluation Method for Subjective Index Appraisal 主观指标评价的多层次灰色评价法
It also compares two levels index with multilevel index by experimental data and makes an analysis of algorithm performance. 通过实验数据对两级和多级索引指纹数据库作比较,并作算法性能分析。
Storage server manages and organizes backup data efficiently and locates restore data rapidly by adopting multilevel data index management technology, so it can improve the storage server-side utilization, manageability and system scalability. 存储服务器采用了多级数据索引管理技术,能够比较高效的组织管理备份数据和快速查找定位要恢复的数据,提高了存储服务器端的利用率、可管理性和系统的可扩展性。
In full-text search inverted index, multilevel index and multidimension index are used, search request of multidimension and N-Tier can be solved. 全文检索采用了倒排索引、多级索引、多维度索引等混合索引结构,满足了用户多维度和多层次的搜索需求。